Sunday, December 10, 2006


For those who didn't know it was happening, John's mom went to the temple yesterday. She recieved her endowments, was sealed to her parents, was sealed to Don and John and Jason were sealed to their parents. John's brother Don will be recieving the priesthood on Christmas Eve, so we will probably be going to the temple again before the end of 2007. We have certainly had some trials before going...I started losing my voice on Monday night, the thermostat went on my car, and John has been having back trouble since she decided to set a date. My voice came mostly back at the temple (I still can't sing), John is less stiff, so, I am hoping that the thermostat is an easy fix, and things settle down until after Christmas. Now we just have to get John's oldest two brothers to join the church.

Monday, December 4, 2006


Kierstan got her braces on today. She got green elastics on the top, and red elastics on the bottom. (The orthodontist said he couldn't alternate them this time.) She goes back on January 3 for her second appointment. He said that she is still faily crowded, even with the expansion, and he may have to look at extraction, too. He also said that she may need head gear, as he needs to align vertically too. Kierstan is annoid by this, but we will just have to wait and see.


Well, he did it! Zac went for his driving test today and he got his G2! Now he is free to drive on his own, so count this as fair warning. Just kidding! He's pretty good. How did mom and dad survive the first time we took the cars out on our own???

Sunday, November 26, 2006


I sit and think of the ways that we let ourselves go. We quit doing some things, or caring about things we used to find important, and wonder what happened. I look back at how I was, and then I guess I got lazy in everything. The physical is what everyone sees, but how do we change back? What is the defining moment that kicks us in the but, and makes us CARE again? I saw a photo, of what I had become, and it hit me hard. I guess that if it is just in the mirror, we can pretend it isn't true. Between that, and someone not believing the picture on the wall was me at 19, I knew it was time. I have worked hard to change the physical aspect, and found myself beginning to care about the other aspects too. My interests became important again, and so did my house and family. As I become more aware of myself, I wonder if I am becoming vain, but realize that I am learning to respect myself. I think trhat is the key. If we respected ourselves in the first place, would we let ourselves go? I am thrilled to report that, while I was 217lbs a year and a half ago, I have managed to lose much of my excess weight. I am now 159lbs, and have only 4lbs to go to reach my goal (Family pictures being taken tomorrow, and anxious to compare with the one from two years ago). It has been a journey of self discovery. I am finding that some interests have resurfaced, and some are completely gone. The neat thing is the ones that I never knew existed. I have also found out what a strong and determined person I can be. It leaves me to ponder the kind of person I may yet become.

"All I Want for Christmas is My 3? Front Teeth"

As many of you know, Parker lost his first tooth a couple weeks ago. He lost the second, two days later. He just lost his third tooth on Thursday morning, and the fourth tooth is on its way out. The two bottom front teeth are already growing in, and they pushed and are pushing the rest out. With any luck his jaw will grow, because these twonew ones are taking up theentire space of the four. It makes it a little hard for him to bite though. We may hve to change the song to "All I Want For Christmas is My Four front Teeth". He isn't complaining though, the tooth fairy is going broke.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

catching up

Mom thought this would be a good way to keep everyone posted on what we are doing, but I am apprehensive as always. It seems to take me awhile to get used to new computer programs, so with nervousness I begin. It seems a good Sunday activity. Since no one lives out here, and has seen our house , here is a pic. We are across the street from the St. Lawrence, and can see clear across to the USA. As this is the first enry, I will leave it here (until I see it and get accustomed to it.