Sunday, October 31, 2010


I have some wonderful news to share with you! Zac has been doing an immense amount of growing over the past few months. He went out to Winnipeg, and has settled into life on the base. On his weekends, he has been traveling South to visit our Friends the Kelleys, who moved to Glenboro a year and a half ago. He has been doing a lot of pondering, and spends a lot of time talking to Dave. Zac has come to the conclusion that he really does want the gospel in his life, and all that it brings. It took him some time to come to this conclusion, but he has made the first steps. He went to church this Sunday, and met with the bishop. He is determined to come back to full activity, and set his life in order. We are so happy, and amazed at the change in his desires. Already we notice a difference in him, and look forward to seeing the great things the gospel will bring into his life. We only ask that you keep him in your prayers, as he travels the somewhat difficult road back.

1 comment:

tractor-grandpa said...

Association with the right people brings right actions most of the time. A good example is something that can bring about change as long as there is no demands being made to bring about that change.
I know that from my own personal experience and the change it brought in my life.
Now he just needs to get busy and finish those courses for his high school diploma. Maybe there will be a spark somewhere that will trigger that also.