Sunday, February 11, 2007

a lop-sided world

Well, the house adventure continues... We started to put in the cupboards we were given this week end. The challenge that arose was not fully realized until they were all connected. We knew that the floors were uneven, but decided to leave them, as they don't feel too bad. This meant shims to keep them level. The first cupboard starts on the floor, but the get gradually higher as you move along. The cupboards are kinda low, and I am not exactly short, so this is not a big dael. The larger challenge arose when we placed the original counter rop on just to get a real height idea. this brought us to the realization as to just how UNsquare my walls are. There is no way we could even use a little bit of the old counter. STRESS!! We then thought of all the different possible ways of making our own, as it would have to be custom built. For about the same cost of a standard pre-made counter, I will have solid 1 1/4" thick maple counters. Our friend knows a guy who installs hard wood floors in semi trailers. He was able to get us a deal, and get it delivered. We measured and cut it ourselves, and now just need to assemble the pieces. Then the holes for the sink and range can be cut. That just leaves routering the edges for a softer look, and screwing it all down (or up, as it is done frome the bottom). The end of next weekend should see me with an installed kitchen, and running water in both the kitchen and bathroom. We also will be totally ready to paint most of the rooms. I know I said I wanted to be ready for that by the end of this week-end, but the counter top trouble had to sorted out first. That is alright though, because paint goes on sale this Thursday. It just gives me an few more days to finalize colours. Oh yeah, the mud worked on the walls, so I will be ready to paint all the bed rooms, I have a couple of days of sanding though.

1 comment:

Two Mittens said...

It's quite a big job you have ahead of you, but I'm sure you'll appreciate it even more when you are done!