Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Busy Month

So this has been a fairly busy month for us (or maybe just me). I spent the first three weeks sewing like a crazy woman. I was attempting to make two new tunics for a couple of guys in our regiment, but in the end the yellow wool was not available in time. My focus shifted then, and I spent last week sewing for John. We raided Ogdensburg on Saturday again, and surprise, surprised we won again. It is not the best sight for a battle, as far as spectators go, but it is nice to be able to get together with our friends through the winter and not just the summer. After the dinner we went to the ball again, and I finally got a picture of my ball gown. You can't really tell, but the top is smocked, and I embroidered around the hem. I think John and I make a very handsome couple. Now I just have to make Parker some civilian clothes for 1812, and we are fully set (and some new military pants, he grew).


Unknown said...

Okay those two pictures look so much alike its as if you photoshop-ed Parker into it! Hehe, I would love to hear more about these reenactments.

five out east said...

Parker loves to have his picture taken, so he jumps into every one he can. We have several like that where he looks "photoshop-ed" in. As for the Reenactments, they have become a big part of out summers.We are learning ever so much about the War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War, and the lifestyle and societal behaviours. People often comment at 1812 events that we look like we could be in Jane Austen movies. We have to remind them that it is the same time era, so thank you.

Mr Hatter said...

Just out of curiosity, but aren't you supposed to win?

five out east said...

Of course we are supposed to win. You don't think we would be silly enough to go out in the middle of winter, and reenact the battle before this that we lost do you? We actually just learned that this was the second of two battles with Ogdensburg. We did not do as well the first time.

five out east said...

Of course we are supposed to win. You don't think we would be silly enough to go out in the middle of winter, and reenact the battle before this that we lost do you? We actually just learned that this was the second of two battles with Ogdensburg. We did not do as well the first time.

Proud Granny said...

Looking pretty sharp!