Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time to Brag!!!

It is a proud day in our house. It is 6:30, and we have just left BP after having dinner with Zac. Today was graduation. He survived boot camp, and tomorrow ships out to Borden for his next round of training. Boot camp was hard, but he did it. He looks so sharp in his uniform. We took pictures, and when we get home I will be able to upload them ( It uses too much data to upload on the mobile internet). Visiting with him after the ceremony, we see just how much he has grown. The angry young man who was dropped off in November (and scared out of his mind), has become a confident young man, with a future ahead of him. Once in Borden, he will learn to drive again (they treat evryone like a new driver), and then move onto the various types of trucks and equipment. He says he will take any extra training he can get, because every little bit will help him move closer to his goal. He is still focussed on becoming an MP, which leaves him the option to switch to RCMP when this contract is up, or to re-enlist and continue with the military. I promise, pictures of our handsome Air Force Soldier will be posted tonight or first thing in the morning!


Daisy Patch said...

I can hardly believe that he is the same "little" boy that I remember just before you guys moved to Ontario.Crazy Where does the time go?

five out east said...

I know! He has changed so much even in the last couple of months. It is crazy!